What inspires you? What drives your creativity?
I’m always on the look for inspiration, and it comes to me in so many ways: through music, books, fashion, art, movies, documentaries, even while cooking I feel inspired or simply staring at a landscape. Feeling inspired is something that is crucial in my everyday life and my photography sums up all of these influences. Shooting weddings may be somehow “ripetitive”, as every event follows, more or less, the same structure (getting ready, ceremony, portraits, dinner, dance). I feel like keeping myself inspired makes sure that I can deliver a one of a kind product each time.
There is a book called “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert which goes deep into creativity and inspiration, and it has been one of my favorite readings of this past year. You may already know it as this book is quite popular, but I wanted to share with you some takeaways as they’ve been a game-changer to me.
One I loved is about the permission to create. We all live our lives that are full of expectations, when we do something we are always somehow “judged” by someone else. Now, imagine creating something for the sake of it. Not just imagine, do it. Write a song no one will listen to, paint something no one will see, take a picture you won’t post on instagram. Try that, believe me, the result is a sense of freedom. I’m recording this podcast for the sheer joy of doing it! I’m not sure if anyone will be listening to it , but I don’t care!
Elizabeth Gilbert also invites us to choose courage over comfort in our creative pursuits. It’s ok to feel fear, but let it be the fuel that propels you forward, instead of holding you back. I feel like fear is somehow related to expectations: we avoid creating something because we are afraid to disappoint someone’s expectations.
Lastly, I loved how she personified inspiration in a unique and imaginative way. She views inspiration as an almost mystical force or entity that exists independently, floating around in the universe, seeking a vessel through which to manifest creative ideas.
Ideas and inspiration are alive, and they are constantly looking for willing individuals to bring them to life. According to her, if a person is receptive and open to creativity, these ideas will find them. In this perspective, the act of creating it’s a collaborative dance between the individual and the ethereal realm of inspiration.
This viewpoint encourages a sense of humility in the creative process, acknowledging that not every idea originates solely within the individual’s mind. It fosters a more open and mystical approach to creativity, where the artist becomes a conduit for the ideas that are floating in the universe.
The idea of inspiration as an entity adds a layer of enchantment to the creative process, allowing for a more fluid and dynamic relationship between the creator and the ideas they bring to life. It also emphasizes the importance of being receptive, open, and courageous in pursuing creative endeavors.
If you feel like you’re running out of inspiration, I want to end up this episode with my five advices that you can easily do starting from today:
1. **start something new**
Begin practicing a new sport, experiment with a fresh recipe, or explore a hobby that’s been lingering in the shadows. New experiences bring you a new point of view and may be the spice that adds flavor to your routine.
2. **read a Book:**
“Books are portals to different realms. Pick up a novel, delve into an unexplored genre, or soak in knowledge about a topic that’s piqued your curiosity. Let the words become the spark that ignites your imagination”.
3. **Meditate**
“Meditation isn’t reserved for yogis alone. Find a quiet spot, close your eyes, and take a few intentional breaths. It’s like hitting the reset button for your mind. Let the quietude invite fresh ideas, regardless of your background. If you can’t do it by yourself, put your airpods on and choose a meditation app that will guide you through the experience”
4. **Write**
Words have a magic of their own. Whether it’s a journal, poetry, or a short story, writing is a powerful way to tap into your inner thoughts. Listen to your ideas and put them on paper.
5. **Travel**
“Change your surroundings, shift your viewpoint. Planning a trip, be it grand or modest, can act as a catalyst for inspiration. Immersing yourself in new cultures, landscapes, and faces can breathe vitality into your creative soul.”